Licenciada en Cs. Biológicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires (2008)
Doctora en Cs. Biológicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires (2014)
Profesora Adjunta, Facultad de Ciencias Forestales, Universidad Nacional de Misiones (2017)
Investigadora Asistente, CONICET (2019)
Áreas de interés:
- Ecología de comunidades.
- Interacciones planta – animal.
- Efectos del disturbio antrópico sobre la biodiversidad.
Artículos de referencia:
Gómez-Cifuentes, A., Vespa, N., Semmartín, M., & Zurita, G. (2020). Canopy cover is a key factor to preserve the ecological functions of dung beetles in the southern Atlantic Forest. Applied Soil Ecology, 154, 103652.
Gatti, M. G., Zaninovich, S. C., Vespa, N. I., & Zurita, G. A. (2019). Moving away from the native forest edge: Changes in ecosystem processes towards the interior of Pinus taeda plantations. Forest Ecology and Management, 432, 967-975.
Vespa, N. I., Zurita, G. A., Gatti, M. G., & Bellocq, M. I. (2018). Seed movement between the native forest and monoculture tree plantations in the southern Atlantic forest: A functional approach. Forest Ecology and Management, 430, 126-133.
Corbelli, J. M., Zurita, G. A., Filloy, J., Galvis, J. P., Vespa, N. I., & Bellocq, I. (2015). Integrating taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic beta diversities: interactive effects with the biome and land use across taxa. PloS one, 10(5), e0126854.
Vespa, N. I., Zurita, G., & Bellocq, M. I. (2014). Functional responses to edge effects: Seed dispersal in the southern Atlantic forest, Argentina. Forest ecology and management, 328, 310-318.
Peyras, M., Vespa, N. I., Bellocq, M. I., & Zurita, G. A. (2013). Quantifying edge effects: the role of habitat contrast and species specialization. Journal of Insect Conservation, 17(4), 807-820.